White Doomsday at New Jersey Horror Convention and Film Festival!
Weren’t able to make to it Atlanta or Philadelphia to get your holiday apocalypse fix? Don’t worry, because we’ve got another screening to announce! I’m Dreaming of a White Doomsday is an Official Selection of the New Jersey Horror Convention and Film Festival and will making its 5th stop on the Winter Wasteland Tour there on March 4th at 10:45am
The cast and crew will be in attendance and who knows, you may even spot Santa making his rounds through the weekend…Hope to see you there! Keep your eyes peeled on the Screenings page and on the Reel Splatter Facebook for more screenings soon!
Here’s the full NJ Horror fest schedule, we are very happy to be once again screening alongside some badass fellow Nightmares Film Festival alumni and even John Russo of Night of the Living Dead fame.